828-669-0706 ~ BoneAFidePetBoutique@gmail.com

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Kim Weeks

Meet The Owner Kim WeeksI never thought that I would be the owner of a pet boutique and to have this kind of opportunity to share my love and passion for animals with others.

I attended the University of Georgia and graduated with a degree in Microbiology. I have spent my professional life working in the consumer healthcare and pharmaceutical manufacturing industries.

My knowledge in this field has helped me in the selection of the foods and products that we carry in the store as I select those that are manufactured by companies that place an emphasis on quality, safety and compliance.

I believe in the commitment, love, and wonderful spirit that pets bring to our lives. My life is better and richer because of the wagging tails that greet me when I come home and for the companionship and loyalty that is displayed by these wonderful creatures every day of my life.

This store is an extension of those feelings and a celebration of that love and spirit.